The plane ride went pretty well. It was long and kind of uncomfortable for the boys, but there were also some nice accomadations. The boys each received a backpack of goodies for the plane, there were numerous snacks, a full meal, plenty of refreshments, and about 8 movies to watch. The plane was completely full. About half were families with young kids, and the other half soldiers.

After we arrived, we had a customs briefing and then proceeded to get our bags. Our sponsor didn't come, but instead a very nice second lietenant and his girlfriend to greet us and help us get situated. They fit all our bags in their car (a full size truck thank goodness with all our bags) and then they immediately took us to take a small tour of the base, get our IDs into the system, show Nick his new squadron, take us grocery shopping, get lunch, and then get us checked into our temp housing. They have been a wealth of information for us. They are also both military brats themselves and have lived EVERYWHERE, so they really could answer any questions we had.

We are exhausted now though. The boys slept only about 4 hours on the plane and Nick and I really didn't sleep much at all. Nick is already in bed because he has to go do more work to get checked in at 6:30 am tomorrow.
We don't know yet what our phone situation will be. But we were encouraged to set up a skype account and to have families set one up because for a pretty low cost you can skype someones cell phone/house phone.
We had to get a monthly rations card for purchasing coffee and liquor. Evidentally they are much cheaper on base.
It is near impossible to accurately describe our feelings right now. Our heads are all spinning with all the new stuff we have taken in today. There is a lot to discover and learn, but so far everyone we have come in contact with has been very friendly and helpful.
Love to all!!