The most exciting news right now, is Nick got his European Driver's License! I get to take the text next Wednesday. There was a lot of material to learn, and there are many new signs in Europe, than what we are used to in the States. If you are interested in taking a practice test, or seeing study guide you can go here.
Since Nick has had his license, we have been able to start doing more things to get settled in, and explore our area. He has driven on the Autobahn a few times now, which has kind of been a surreal experience.
We went to the BX here, which is a huge mall called the KMCC. It is HUGE. We know our visitors will not be coming to see the KMCC, but seriously it is something to see and you could EASILY spend a whole day in there having fun. Besides the fact that is has a huge food court, a Macaroni Grill, movie Theater, huge bookstore like Borders, a CAR DEALERSHIP, travel agent, and MULTIPLE BX shops etc, it has a lot of German shops. There is a really cute Cuckoo Clock shop, various stein shops, a Christmas market with the most adorable Smokers, nutcrackers, ornaments..., there is a place to buy lederhosen and dirndl, a place to buy German chocolate and cheese, a German restaurant, and a quaint and delicious German Bakery. (yes this is ALL without leaving the base, craziness!)
The boys each chose a striped doughnut filled with some sort warm, gooey, delicious filling and Nick and I asked for two of whatever they recommend.
We ended up with two yummy pastries that we now highly recommend.
When you order coffee here, it comes with some sort of sweetener in it, not black like in the US.
Once again so yummy, there is a theme here:)
And the sodas look and taste slightly different here since they use different sweeteners.
A funny thing about the shopping carts here, and i am not sure if this is true of most shopping in Germany, or just here at the KMCC but to get a cart you have to put a Euro into a contraption on the handle. When you put your cart back, instead of leaving it randomly in the parking lot, your Euro pops out and you get it back:)