The weather is rainy, very rainy, everyday. So far no snow here.
We only have one car. We shipped my car here, but it hasn't arrived yet.
SO Nick drives Landon to school every morning, and Gavin and I stay home. He talked me into making him an Angry Bird hat the other day.
He also got a fat lip, courtesy of big brother:(
Gavin and I go exploring every day. Sometimes we even practice our German to strangers we pass on our way. (only VERY short conversational German of course, but it has been a good warm-up).
(pictures: our street sign: means "Mountain/hill Street", a view of our village looking down, and just a random building)
We either walk into the village and explore, or turn the other way and walk into the country side. There are a LOT of walking trails around here, and they are all on Google Map and our GPS, so we just go.. and explore. We play a game where he gets to pick which way we go at every turn.
One thing that has taken a LOT of getting used to for us, is always seeing signs, but having no idea what they say. It is a strange feeling. We know all our street signs now, but I am more describing bill boards, ads, posters etc. I have started taking pictures of a lot of the signs on my phone really quick, and then going home and looking up what they mean. I came to the middle sign below on one of our walks. Not knowing what it meant, I took a picture, and decided to turn around. I found out later it meant "residents only". The picture on the right is a bar in our village.
Our village is kind of country-ish. I don't think i would describe it as being directly in German country-side, but it is on the verge. There are people in our village with horse stables that directly open up to the street.
There's the cows across the hill that i mentioned before:
But the FUNNIEST discovery in our village to date, was this home down the street. Why have guard dogs when you can have these:
These birds go CRAZY when you pass their house. So funny because this home isn't on a farm, it is just a regular home off the side of the main street through Steinbach, but they have some pet ducks (?) living in their front yard. That's ok. Gavin and I dig it.
We still have no internet at our home. Germany does not seem to value internet, the way the US does. Supposedly high speed internet is being put into our village and will be accessible in the next couple months though... *fingers crossed*
We do get free American TV though. The military has a network, AFN (Air Force Network), that plays US shows for military oversees. It is only about 7 channels, but it is free. It plays most major sport games, random cartoons, and stuff, and last night's hits. So we can see Wednesday night hits on Thursday nights.
We haven't ventured too far out yet; we are still making a home of the area around us. We are planning on going to some major Christmas markets this weekend though. .. Should be fun!
We miss everyone!!